PCR Material – What? How? Is it Good?

PCR Material continues to grow in demand for good reason. Companies and key stakeholders are working hard to improve supply chains, reduce carbon footprints and promote a circular economy with materials. The main goal is to reduce waste and watch the positive effects spread from there.

What is PCR Material?

PCR material or Post Consumer Resin is a raw material that is made from our waste and products we no longer use. Milk jugs, PET bottles, laundry bottles, are some of the many examples.

Cost of PCR

Typically, and historically, we see recycled material that is at a lower cost than virgin, prime resins. With PCR, the opposite is true. PCR is more expensive due to a few factors:

  • Processing – the material has to be collected, processed, cleaned, prepared and often times, shipped.
  • Demand – You are not alone! Many companies and supply chains are interested or have been using PCR material for some time. Good streams of material are not easy to come by and when supply is lower than demand, that will raise pricing throughout the marketplace.

OCS Products does utilize PCR materials within some of the products shown here on the site. Click on the contact us page, email or call to find out more. Complimentary analysis for PCR is available

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