Title: A Breakdown on GMA Pallets

“GMA” is an acronym synonymous with pallets going back to the 1940s and 1950s. Formally the American Specialty Manufacturers of America (ASMA), the Grocery Manufacturing Association (GMA) set out to develop standards for the transportation of groceries and other goods throughout the supply chain. This standard and trend took off in many other industries as everyone could acknowledge the efficiencies gained. The conversion happened fast.

The standards were focused highly on the dimensions. Specifically, the length and width – 48 inches by 40 inches. Over time and today, when GMA Pallet is referenced is commonly understood that it is a 48×40 pallet. GMA Pallets can be made today in multiple ways and materials. Wood remains on top but plastic & steel, which OCS Products offers –hyperlink— are growing segments for GMA pallets. In addition to length and width, standard GMA pallets are 5.65” – 5.75” tall with weight capacities of 2,500 lbs. All are 4 way entry.

GMA pallets are largely made of wood. They come in a few different versions and materials:

  • Grade A – unused, new wood pallet.
  • Grade B – used, few boards replaced.
  • Grade C – noticeably used multiple boards replaced.
  • Heat Treated – specially prepared for export and certified shipments.

GMA Plastic Pallets details

  • HDPE, Polypropylene or recycled material
  • 65-5.75
  • 4 way entry
  • One piece or multi-piece design
  • Open top deck or solid top
  • Multiple color options

GMA Steel Pallet details

  • Galvanized Steel, welded design

GMA Replacement

Nestable pallets, typically with 9 legs that stack within one another when they are not being used have been one of the most used alternatives to the standard wood GMA Pallet. While nestable pallets look different and interlock when nesting, they are still designed to meet the GMA criteria of length, width and height. Nestable alternatives are cost competitive with wood pallets in some areas and are a worth replacement for consideration.

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